Harmful Effects of Marijuana on Brain

Marijuana is one of the commonly abused illegal drugs in United States. Marijuana is a dry, shredded green and brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves which are taken from the hemp plant Cannabis Sativa. The main chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.

If someone uses marijuana, the THC passes from lungs into the bloodstream, the reason why marijuana abuse can be detected using Marijuana drug test of blood. Because of this chemical can be carried to the brain and to other organs in the body. The specific sites in the brain that are effected by THC are called as Cannabinoid receptors. These are receptors that influence the perception of pleasure or pain of a person. When THC is received by Cannabinoid receptors it results in the drug high associated with marijuana when user takes marijuana. Each part of the brain has various amounts of Cannabinoid receptors and they influence the pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, perception, movements, and coordination. Like this Marijuana effect the functions of brain in human body.

Using Marijuana effects the brain’s functioning and results in distorted perception, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, and learning and memory problems.

If it is used in long run, the user will experience some psychological effects like anxiety, paranoia and panic. It has harmful effects on other parts of the body also. It will cause problems like dilated blood vessels, a feeling of panic, daily cough and more frequent chest cold.

Apart from the effects of the marijuana mentioned above, there are many other harmful effects, so it is better to avoid Marijuana use.