Whenever you are going to boating you should take these items otherwise you may experienced nightmare so get your boat ready for the inland boating season this summer.
- Push Button Signal Horn & Aerial Signal Kit: Have an air horn on board incase of urgent situation, fog or warning signal. Stores just about anywhere on your boat. It’s also a good idea to keep an aerial signal kit such as a flare gun kit incase your stranded on a large lake.
- PDF’s (Personal Flotation Device): – Make sure you have enough PDF’s on board so that every passenger has one readily available. Also make sure you provide the children with one that fits them correctly
- First Aid Kit: It’s a great idea to have a first aid kit handy incase of emergency. Keep important items like bandages, gauze, instant cold compress, alcohol cleaning pads, aspirin, antibiotic cream etc.
- Boat Anchor: If you plan on docking, going to the beach, or in an urgent situation situation, it’s a must to have the right size anchor.
- Tow Ropes: Keep an extra towrope with you incase you or someone else is stranded on the water. Someone will be able to tow you to shore in the event that you or someone else breaks down and needs a lift.
- Fire Extinguisher: You must keep a fire extinguisher with you while you’re on the water. Get a quality A-B-C extinguisher to keep on your boat.
- Universal Boat Cushions: Keep a few brightly colored boat / life cushions on the boat. Use them to toss to anyone that happens to fall over, or needs a hand swimming back to the boat.
- Boat Registration: Always confirm your registration is current and on board with you. You never know when the DNR will pull you over to check to see if your boat is legal.
- Dock Lines: Keep a few dock lines for docking your boat to your pier or to someone else’s pier.
- Cell Phone or Radio: Keep an onboard radio, cell phone or walkie-talkie with you. Because these will give you some useful communication.