Social research refers to research conducted by social scientists, but also within other disciplines such as social policy, human geography, political science, social anthropology and education. Sociologists and other social scientists study diverse things: from census data on hundreds of thousands of human beings, through the in-depth analysis of the life of a single important person to monitoring what is happening on a street today – or what was happening a few hundred years ago.
The social scientists use a lot of different methods to describe social living to examine and understand. The social methods can be subdivided generally in two broad categories. The quantitative methods have been involved with attempts social quantify itself phenomena and numerical data to collect and analyze, and on the connections under a smaller number of concentrate attributes concerning to a lot of cases. The qualitative methods, on the one hand, emphasize personal experiences and interpretation concerning reproduction, more has been involved with the term of the meaning of social phenomena and concentrates on connections under a larger number of attributes concerning rather little cases. Whereas very differing in a lot of aspects, both the qualitative and quantitative approaches involve a systematic interaction between theories and data. The common appliances of quantitative research workers include researches, questionnaires, and secondary analysis of statistically given that it has been collected for other aims. Commonly used qualitative methods include focus groups, participant observation, and other techniques.
The social research has been based on logic and empirical observations. Charles write social book of the research which the social research involved the interaction between ideas and proof material to C. Ragin in its constructing. Ideas help social researchers make sense of evidence, and researchers use evidence to extend, revise and test ideas”. The social research tries these ways to achieve or confirm theories by fact search and fact analysis, and is aim is exploration, description and declaration. It never must with philosophy or lead belief or are confused. Social research aims to find social patterns of regularity in social life and usually deals with social groups (aggregates of individuals), not individuals themselves (although science of psychology is an exception here). Research can also be divided into pure research and applied research. Pure research has no application on real life, whereas applied research attempts to influence the real world.
There are no laws in social science which the laws in nature sciences compare. A law in social science is a universal generalization concerning a class of facts. A fact is an observed phenomenon, and observation means it has been seen experiencing, heard or differently by research worker. A theory is a systematic declaration for the observations which are related to a certain aspect of social living. The concepts are the basis construction toes of theory and are abstract elements which represent classes of phenomena. The axioms or the postulates are basis statements where those become have assumed to. The proposals are consequence drawing which is made concerning the proportions under concepts, which are based at the analysis of axioms. Hypotheses are specified expectations about empirical reality which are derived from propositions. Social research involves testing these hypotheses to see if they are true.