Ecstasy is also called as MDMA, this drug tends to create a sense of euphoria and an expansive love or desire to nurture others. When taken in excess, it increases body temperature to the point of being fatal. Ecstasy addiction often leads to exhaustion, dehydration and sometimes even death. Ecstasy is used more for its mildly hallucinogenic properties than for its stimulant properties.
There is an increase in the use of the Ecstasy during 1990’s in all the three graders. After 2007 the trend lines leveled off in all grades until annual prevalence increased significantly in the lower grades between 2009 and 2010.
As per the MTF reports, there is a significant rise in the perceived risk in 2003 in all three graders, however there is a decrease in the levels of perceived risk in 2004. The decline in perceived risk continued into 2010 in the upper grades.
Disapproval of ecstasy use increased significantly in all three grades in 2002, may be because of the rise in perceived risk. The significant increases in disapproval continued through 2003 for 8th graders, 2004 for 10th graders, and 2006 for 12th graders. Since then the disapproval of Ecstasy use decreased sharply among 8th graders, less among 10th graders, and there was no change among 12th graders.
There has been increase in the 12th graders’ perceived availability of ecstasy after 1991. Perceived availability then declined considerably in all grades after 2001 but leveled in 2010.