Transportation industry is considered as the most integral part of global economic developments. There has been a rapid growth of transport industry worldwide. Basic forms of transportation include air, road, and water. Each of them requires special unique skills which are different from others.
Recruitment of employees for transport industry involves checking for skilled persons. Job demands of transport industry has high social responsibility. So one needs to be sure before deciding on the final choice during recruitment. It is known that lot of lives are at stake when driving any form of vehicle. So much rigorous process of recruitment is involved. External recruitment consultants are hired by many transport companies to help them recruit the proper manpower.
Transport recruitment agencies are involved in conducting driving tests for drivers under extreme conditions. The presence of mind of an applicant is checked by conducting a lot of mental and psychometric tests. Lack of proper level of presence of mind may lead to accidents. The agencies also conduct some tests including knowledge of local traffic rules. Transport industry also hires mechanical, automobile, aeronautical engineers for pursuing the process of research and development.
Drug tests are also conducted on job applicants in transportation industry. Drug abused drivers cannot concentrate on driving. Their presence of mind is also altered. Due to these reasons, many accidents may happen. So it is necessary to conduct drug tests on drivers. Employee background checks like criminal record checks, license verification are important while recruiting new employees for transportation industry. Recruitment process in this industry mainly checks for safety standards and security level.