Creating a website for your business is easy but bringing in traffic needs considerable effort. Here are 10 smart ways to drive traffic to the website:
1) Advertise your website by spreading the news to communities via word of mouth.
2) Write articles related to the topic of your website. Include a brief introduction and include a link to your website at the end of article. Submit each of these articles to article directories, and also to web masters that rank well for your keywords.
3) Set up profiles at popular social networking sites like Face book, Twitter etc. Network with people in your niche and get established on these sites with a customized profile. It is very easy to grow your network, and people who are interested in what you offer can find you easily.
4) You can write and submit a press release free of charge. While some websites charge to publish your press release, many also offer a free submission option. You want your press release to be newsworthy, so you choose your angle carefully.
5) Learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and take the necessary steps to optimize each of your websites.
6) Submit your new site to appropriate directories and get it listed on niche resource pages.
7) Create and distribute info graphics or use images which give interesting information content by using a freelance site and ask someone to research and info graphic for you. Go to Google and build an email list of high ranked blogs, email all of them and ask them if they will post your info graphic. Most of them will help you do.
8) On large business websites, create a “What’s new page” or even better, ask your web designer to design a “site map” for your visitors.
9) Check your business website’s links regularly to make sure they all work.
10) Participate in online forums, as an expert. You get your business promoted effortlessly.
These points help you market your website consistently in a variety of ways. Marketing is the key to gaining exposure and getting a consistent flow of traffic to your website.